Learning Life Language by being present

One of the most valuable practices that I have learned, is to hold space without interference of judgment. It is the habit of being truly there for the other and to be able to say: I am here, you are safe now. In this sacred moment healing happens and hearts open, as something bigger enters the space and transformation occurs. Everything becomes lighter and timeless, with nothing to do, just to be.

Initially I would only experience this in my work with clients and it became a subtle, quiet craving. In my collaboration with Zenta she inspired me to use ceremony and rituals to bring awareness to the moment of doing. Gradually it became a gift to me as I started doing it for myself. In my daily routine I began to practice rituals that have deeper meaning to things such as taking a shower by cleansing everything of the day which did not serve me. I started cooking not only for eating, but also for the holistic impact of nourishment. Sometimes I hold space for myself. I sit in comfort to enjoy and embrace the sounds around me; the smells, feelings of warmth or cold, gratitude for the quiet and the storm, the wind and the sun. Then the outside experience shifts to the awareness of the ready stillness inside me as it expands from my heart, and I realize this was what I am meant to learn all along – to become the doing…

I was urged by illness to slow down and become quiet in my cells and in my bones. It made me show up for myself in bigger ways by making it priority to take responsibility for myself; by facing my fears, grief, blame and regret. Slowly I chisel away that which I don’t need and I become clearer and more comfortable with what is left. In many moments of my everyday life I am reminded to practice holding that space for others and myself, and then I hear the messages of Life’s Language which must have been there all along. I was just too busy and distracted to tune into the frequency of truly seeing, feeling, hearing, tasting, and smelling.

I am starting to experience life in a new way by connecting with and holding on to that space of stillness. When I manage to do it, it’s magical. Hx

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